Thursday, March 20, 2014


Once upon a time there was a happy little girl.

 Then she grew up….

 No one ever saw her face with that big smile that could warm your heart. Her eyes that had stars that shone so bright that they could look in to your soul. That little happy girl is gone….

 Did that little girl go? That girl with that bright smile and bright eyes. That future that once looked so bright, soon disappeared. When people stopped believing in dreams and wishes. She stopped believing in fairy tales….


Her there was no prince coming to her rescue, there was no true love, no happy ending. Her world changed and crashed in on all sides of her, suffocating her, drowning her, taking all that was once happy and twisting it in to one big lie….
 Once upon a time there was a happy little girl….

 And she was never seen of again….

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