Monday, December 22, 2014


Every day you look at the sky. Whether it's clear or cloudy or even rainy you still look at it. Sometimes you might wounder if the sky has emotions like you do. Can it feel pain? Or happiness? Or sadness? Is the sky alive like me and you?
When you were younger you used to look at the sky and point out shapes in the clouds. Was it trying to talk to us? Was it showing us things we should be caring about?
The thought has probably crossed your mind more than once and yet you never look for an answer. They say that the sky can't be alive for it has no physical form, no mind to say it is. But what if it just speaks a different language than us? One that is to complicated for us to truly understand.
When it rains in the summer we just say that it's due to the sun heating the water and causing it to go in the sky. But what if it's truly more than just that?
The Sky protects us from the sun and yet we do nothing really to protect it from the harsh toxins that we release in to the very air we breath. We do it day and night. With the cars we drive to the factories that run on harsh chemicals. We eat and drink from plastic cups and plates, we carry our groceries in plastic bags. We try not to think how they were made or where they end up. We like the fact that they make it convenient for us to eat and drink without having to do the dishes or not having to bring your own bag from home to carry the stuff we buy daily.
I wonder if anyone cares about the air we breath? Or their own skin for which the Sky protects on a daily basis. There are many things that few people realize that damage the Sky and the very air they breath. The things they allow their kids to be near, the things they allow into their lungs because it makes them forget there problems for a little while.
I think the reason the sky crys is that she sees that no one understands the pain that she is in.

Friday, December 12, 2014

Wait for You/ Goodbye my Friend

As the world goes ever by, I sit ever watching. I know that you do not mean to leave me for that long; but still I wounder what will become of me if you never return? Will I just become another empty shell? Or will I learn to move on?
I'm not sure what will become of me; but I do know that I will wait as long as I must.
I have waited years just to hear your voice, but even now I I realize that was just another dream. It was just me being hopeful that I could hear your voice one last time. But I keep telling myself that I will see you again. I know now, that I won't get to see you for a long time.
I tell myself that it is fine, that I can wait, but I can't. I want it to all come sooner. That this silly game of waiting is pointless.
I always thought that if I said the right words they would let you come back to me. I've almost gone to see you and stay with you a few times, but someone always stopped me and told me that you wouldn't want to see that way.
I still remember the last thing you said to me. "Don't cry, I don't like seeing you cry. This won't be the end, we will be able to play again July like we used to. I promise." It's been many years now since that day; and not a day goes by without me wishing I could talk to you one last time, just to tell you goodbye and thank you for all the good times we shared. I shall always miss you. Goodbye my dear friend you are forever in my heart.

Just something to think about

Love it's a great evil in this world it brings pain and harbors regret. It is the reason we feel loss. The reason we feel jealousy. It is the cause of heart break. But with all these horrible things love brings we still pursue it. Why? Because even though love brings great pain it also brings great happiness and great memories. So love is not just a great evil but a great good as well.

Thursday, October 2, 2014


Look out the window there you see the twinkling lights. Out in the sea of darkness. Do you see them or is it just my imagination, those lights that hold their souls. The souls of that dark world, glittering in the dark abyss . They go flying by at speeds unknown, but still their light entice me to look on in wonder at how they still can go on even if they are alone. I'm still trying to get my own light to shine bright but I feel like I'm fading more and more into the that dark abyss, but even then that darkness is my mistress. It's my saver from my cold and lonely life that I am forced to live in. I wonder if those lights I see as I pass on by ever think the way I do or if they ever feel the way I do or if they look at my own light and wonder how I can still continue on.

Friday, April 4, 2014


Some times I wish that I didn't care so much, but I know that I don't have a choose because I will always care. Always wondered about if you are okay or if that person I saw walking down the street will make it home. But I always want to know do they ever wondered what happens to me? 
I wish that I didn't care about the people in my life but I know that it is wrong to think that way that they might worry about me. But do they really? 


What is Love?
What is love?
Is love just an empty word with out a meaning? Or just something guys say to make girls like them more for no reason?
Is it just a word that can be taken lately 
What does it mean to Live?
To Live
To live means to die
To die means to live
But to live one must
Learn how to love

Thursday, March 20, 2014


Once upon a time there was a happy little girl.

 Then she grew up….

 No one ever saw her face with that big smile that could warm your heart. Her eyes that had stars that shone so bright that they could look in to your soul. That little happy girl is gone….

 Did that little girl go? That girl with that bright smile and bright eyes. That future that once looked so bright, soon disappeared. When people stopped believing in dreams and wishes. She stopped believing in fairy tales….


Her there was no prince coming to her rescue, there was no true love, no happy ending. Her world changed and crashed in on all sides of her, suffocating her, drowning her, taking all that was once happy and twisting it in to one big lie….
 Once upon a time there was a happy little girl….

 And she was never seen of again….

Friday, January 3, 2014

Maybe I do Care to Much
You tell me every day that I shouldn’t care  and every day I still end up caring what happens to you. I just don’t know why I care about you so much it hurts me now.
Why do I Care
I  care because that is all that I know how to do. If I stop caring would there be someone else that will come along and tell you
Keep on fighting for what matters 
I don’t know why I will fight for you, all I know is that  I do and I will never stop. Wont you come back I need your love right now. I’m fighting still  so don’t leave me yet.