Sunday, June 23, 2013

Random Poems

Mere Thoughts

Loneliness fades away,

when in love.

Love is an addiction,

and so is its feelings

Shroud of Thorns

Love weakens ones heart,

never letting the thoughts part.

Love fails to cease,

building soft spots unease.

Probing Patience

The sun rises

My days are long…

The moon comes up

My nights are longer...

Unblended Miracles

Love and success

Are never welcome in one house

For, yours is either love or success

One must think why?

I’d say;

"love holds you back,

whilst success runs out of time.

Successful you get,

when love walks out your door

Uncertain Promises

The stars, the constellations, the moon

I will erase, if I can

To bring sunshine into my life

Autumn, summer, winter

I will wipe, if I can

To bring spring into my life

All the barriers we have in between us

I will demolish, if I can

To bring you into my life


When I see you by

I wonder why...?

Why must I feel the passion?

Why must I feel it so high?

Rage of Angels

Fallen from the grace,

I have

Fallen out of heavens,

I have

Fallen with broken wings of mine,

Fallen face down from great divine.

Vicinity fits heaven

Look how lovely the midnight forest is,

With the heavens looking down at it.

Look how lovely the midnight forest is,

With the breeze caressing the leaves.

Look how lovely the midnight forest is,

With the vicinity painted so blue.

Look how lovely the midnight forest is

Look how lovely the midnight forest is…

My Bouncing Baby Boy

Mommy’s darling baby son

You are so special

Since the day you resided in my womb

You are the happiness I never knew

You are precious with

All the pain and tears of mine

I saw you when my tummy got scanned

Saw you jumping,

And that kept me smiling all day long

You are so natural and so strong

I can feel you everyday

with all my longing

I can hardly wait

To see, your innocent face when you will be born

For you are the special gift created

From the perfect hands of God

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