Monday, December 22, 2014


Every day you look at the sky. Whether it's clear or cloudy or even rainy you still look at it. Sometimes you might wounder if the sky has emotions like you do. Can it feel pain? Or happiness? Or sadness? Is the sky alive like me and you?
When you were younger you used to look at the sky and point out shapes in the clouds. Was it trying to talk to us? Was it showing us things we should be caring about?
The thought has probably crossed your mind more than once and yet you never look for an answer. They say that the sky can't be alive for it has no physical form, no mind to say it is. But what if it just speaks a different language than us? One that is to complicated for us to truly understand.
When it rains in the summer we just say that it's due to the sun heating the water and causing it to go in the sky. But what if it's truly more than just that?
The Sky protects us from the sun and yet we do nothing really to protect it from the harsh toxins that we release in to the very air we breath. We do it day and night. With the cars we drive to the factories that run on harsh chemicals. We eat and drink from plastic cups and plates, we carry our groceries in plastic bags. We try not to think how they were made or where they end up. We like the fact that they make it convenient for us to eat and drink without having to do the dishes or not having to bring your own bag from home to carry the stuff we buy daily.
I wonder if anyone cares about the air we breath? Or their own skin for which the Sky protects on a daily basis. There are many things that few people realize that damage the Sky and the very air they breath. The things they allow their kids to be near, the things they allow into their lungs because it makes them forget there problems for a little while.
I think the reason the sky crys is that she sees that no one understands the pain that she is in.

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