Friday, December 12, 2014

Wait for You/ Goodbye my Friend

As the world goes ever by, I sit ever watching. I know that you do not mean to leave me for that long; but still I wounder what will become of me if you never return? Will I just become another empty shell? Or will I learn to move on?
I'm not sure what will become of me; but I do know that I will wait as long as I must.
I have waited years just to hear your voice, but even now I I realize that was just another dream. It was just me being hopeful that I could hear your voice one last time. But I keep telling myself that I will see you again. I know now, that I won't get to see you for a long time.
I tell myself that it is fine, that I can wait, but I can't. I want it to all come sooner. That this silly game of waiting is pointless.
I always thought that if I said the right words they would let you come back to me. I've almost gone to see you and stay with you a few times, but someone always stopped me and told me that you wouldn't want to see that way.
I still remember the last thing you said to me. "Don't cry, I don't like seeing you cry. This won't be the end, we will be able to play again July like we used to. I promise." It's been many years now since that day; and not a day goes by without me wishing I could talk to you one last time, just to tell you goodbye and thank you for all the good times we shared. I shall always miss you. Goodbye my dear friend you are forever in my heart.

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