Friday, May 19, 2017

Just tired of being broken inside

Some things in life can be avoided. But there are some that can't. Why should only one side take the burden when it's both sides. Why should one side be told that they are the reason that the other can't go anywhere in their life. But yet so many have proven that they can.

Life isn't a one sided problem. Just like a coin has two sides. Some times I am ashamed of being born the gender that I am. Every day I see the same thing happen and yet nothing I can say or do will change it. I see people post how they wish more men where like that or that they wish young boys where raised better to respect females but I don't hear anyone say that I should say I should raise my daughter to respect themselves, to respect men and the struggles they face.

I am a female in a world where I can be whatever I want as long as I work for it. But in the same world where a young boy is told that drawing is for girls or that dancing is meant for girls. That helping with household chores is for girls. That the only thing they need to do is have a job, and take the trash out. We say we want equality but what we really want is to stay the way we are so that we can continue to say how we are not equal.

We say that we need to stop rising a rape colture but yet we tell young girls that the only way to get what you want out of life is to show off your goods. But don't give what you promise.

We need to stop making things about gender and about how we are the same. We need to teach that everyone can help with chores. That you can get what you want out of hard work and not from showing off.

In the end we are all alike. We all want the same things that every other person wants. We want to be treated like a person not based on our gender. We want to be respected.

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